Underwater Windows
Underwater Windows | T: +31 (0)40 209 31 44 | sales@underwaterwindows.eu

Underwater Windows

  • Underwater Windows® is added to the Plano Plastics Group.

    Underwater Windows® is added to the Plano Plastics Group.

    Underwater Windows® is added to the Plano Plastics Group. The leading company Underwater Windows® will …

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  • Wy to choose for our acrylic (plexiglas®)

    Wy to choose for our acrylic (plexiglas®)

    Polymerization process: PLEXIGLAS® The polymerization of PLEXIGLAS(R) starting with the monomer (Methylmethacrylate) in the …

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  • Underwater windows creations around the world

    Underwater windows creations around the world

    Underwater windows creations around the world Whether we have to work in India, Kuwait …

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  • Biggest diving tank from europe is filled with water, there are 19 underwater windows installed.

    Biggest diving tank from europe is filled with water, there are 19 underwater windows installed.

    Todi is the first indoor snorkelling and diving center in Europe where visitors under …

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  • sky pool, the water is in it.

    sky pool, the water is in it.

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  • result from a overflow window from 3000 mm x 1200 mm

    result from a overflow window from 3000 mm x 1200 mm

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  • Largest bottom window in Europe “14 meter in diameter”

    Largest bottom window in Europe “14 meter in diameter”


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  • Overflow window

    Overflow window

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  • four side window

    four side window

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  • Open top window in the sky

    Open top window in the sky

    This project consists of two windows on two different floors levels. Top window is …

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